The online healing pathway to rise and heal from your toxic or difficult relationship with your mother

Embark on a transformative journey designed for women navigating or recovering from a challenging relationship with their mothers. If you've faced toxicity, harmful, or difficult behaviour from your mother, resulting in self-doubt, people-pleasing, trust issues, isolation, or a sense of inadequacy, this healing pathway is for you.

 I provide a nurturing, safe space for self-discovery and understanding.  Together we will explore various spiritual principles and practices that can guide you to a place of peace within you and bring you the strength to start prioritising your own well-being, rediscover your true self and cultivate feelings of self-compassion, kindness and love.

Through this life-changing process, you will come to realise the mistaken beliefs that are holding you back and allow you to acknowledge the beautiful soul you are, in a community of equally beautiful souls, all supporting one another as we go on this deep healing journey to self-love and healthier happier relationships with those you hold dear.

You have a right to peace, to joy, and to realise how AMAZING you truly are!

The SERENE Way - Summary

    The SERENE way includes 8 Modules  

Introduction and Understanding Different Forms of Toxic Behaviour  
S - Stillness  - Prioritising time for yourself & allowing your mind to get still.                          
E -  Emotions - Allowing your emotions to guide you in your healing.                                          
R - Reconnection - Reconnecting to your true self, your inner divinity.
E -  Energy - Understanding your energy & how to protect it.     
N - Now - Staying in the present moment.                                             
E - Empowerment  - Embracing & loving every part of who you are.                                            

Each module includes pre-recorded videos, guided meditations, journal prompts, and exercises, which you can complete at your own pace. 

For those who want it, there are also  2 group video calls a month - one is to share our experiences and understanding, as well as allow you the opportunity to ask any questions and get support directly from Geraldine, and from each other. The second monthly group call is focused on spiritual connection and can include spiritual coaching, guided meditations and card readings, all to help you connect with your inner wisdom, intuition and inner divinity.

When you join The SERENE Way you will also be welcomed in to a gorgeous community of the most amazing beautiful like-minded souls, like hearted souls. You are free to be a part of this community as much as more or as little as you feel comfortable, but be reassure that it is a safe space free of judgement or stigma, but full of compassion, understanding and support.

Healing mother wounds is not easy and I never want anyone to have to go through it alone, so you can continue to  stay with The SERENE Way for as long as you wish. We will be here for you for as long as you want.

The modules are rolling and so you can repeat any of the modules or skip those that do not resonate, in other word you can go at your pace and do it your way. 

In addition to all the content and connection within The SERENE Way, if you want to take your healing even deeper and work with me on a one to one basis, anyone within The SERENE Way One has access to exclusive 10% discount on all my one to one services. 

Testimonials from Serene Way Members

"I can’t thank Geraldine enough for developing and being brave enough to offer up this amazing course which deals with the difficult subject of questioning a relationship with our mothers.   The Serene Way coursework cleverly takes you by the hand and guides you on a journey to discover the misguided beliefs you have about yourself, and their origins and to then question how these beliefs serve you. It provides the life tools to change plus online video calls and chat groups which offer non-judgmental support from an awesome group of ladies. The guided meditations gave my calm spiritual self the chance to soothe and quieten the frantic anxious thoughts, bringing the practice into my daily life in a way that previous therapies never achieved.  I needed somewhere safe to explore uncomfortable feelings and beliefs about my upbringing and how it continued to affect me in adulthood. I found that space within The Serene Way. The daily anxiety that I suffered has all but disappeared and I feel better equipped to put the boundaries in place to continue a connection with my mother that doesn’t jeopardise my needs. But most importantly of all - it has given me the tools to have a better relationship with myself."

Geraldine Crane

Geraldine Crane is a Serene, Spiritual Mother Wounds Mentor, on a mission to help women rise and heal from a toxic relationship with their mother, so that they can reconnect to their own inner source of wisdom, strength and love and reclaim their self-worth and their right to peace and happiness without shame or guilt.

Professional Background
Geraldine qualified as a Probation Officer in 2006 and has since worked as a substance Misuse Worker and Domestic Abuse Recovery worker, developing a passion for supporting those recovering from a toxic or abusive relationship. Then in 2019 trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. However in 2020 during lockdown, she took some time out to focus on family and her own healing, and began developing her 'Serene Spiritual' way of working, bringing a gentle spirit-guided approach to her work.

Spiritual Journey

At the age of 19 Geraldine joined a spiritual development circle where she discovered her ability to connect with Spirit Guides. When training in Hypnotherapy she reconnected with this ability on a deeper level and now helps others to connect with the unconditional love of their Spirit Guides, and the deep healing it can bring.

Personal Experience

Geraldine had experienced chronic anxiety since being very young, but always assumed it was due to becoming her mother's carer at the age of 12. However, in her late thirties after accessing counselling, training in domestic abuse, and becoming a mother, she finally came to realise that the anxiety was stemming from a deeply enmeshed and co-dependant relationship with her mother, and the trauma of being her mother's confidant as a child, witnessing and supporting her mother's unstable mental health, which was further exacerbated by her mother becoming increasingly emotionally manipulative as Geraldine grew up.

At the age of 37 Geraldine took the very hard step of cutting contact, and whilst this was incredibly hard and often painful,  it enabled her to finally start healing. Initially, she accessed counselling and started researching, trying to understand her mother's behaviour, but the real healing started when she, trained as a hypnotherapist and started reconnecting with her spirituality.  She worked with a coach and began exploring various spiritual principles and understandings, which allowed her to reconnect with her inner divinity a place of peace and calm within, which also helped to reconnect with a deep sense of worth, self-acceptance and even self-love. And now is passionate about helping others who have had similar experiences know that they are not alone, that they have worth and can find peace.

Investment Options

Content Only - £222 (or 7 x £33 monthly payments)

The content-only version is the perfect self-paced option for those with limited funds.  Payment options are also available.
Each month you will gain access to all the pre-prepared content for one module, including videos, journal prompts and exercises, guided mediations and recommended reading.
You also receive access to our gorgeous, private Facebook community.

Group Programme - £777 (or 7 x £111 monthly payments)

With this option, you have access to all of the above, plus 2 group calls each month where we deep-dive into each module together. Great for those who want to connect in a safe space with a group of heart-centred women who get it.

VIP 1:1 Package £1234 (or 7 x £177 monthly payments)

Our most impactful package., receiving all of the above plus one 1hr bespoke session with me every month. Serene spiritual coaching and mentoring tailored to your individual needs.

Click below to choose the options which suits you best.